Getting Started with SQL Server

This is an introductory class that will help you get SQL Server and all the tools you need to access the databases installed and running on your computer.

Would SQL Server knowledge and experience help you on that next annual review, or would it help you when looking for your next job?

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Microsoft TSQL JOIN Types Course

What is the difference, and how can you use joins correctly? Sometimes an inner join is the right join type to use, other times the left outer join, right outer join, full outer join, cross join or self join. In this session you will first gain an understanding of the differences between each of these types of joins, and when they should be used. Then we’ll explore some common uses for joins. You will take home the right foundations to get at the data that you want.

>>> Click course below to learn more

Choose a Pricing Option

1 x Getting Stared with SQL Server

1 x Microsoft TSQL JOIN Types